Empowering young savers: setting and achieving financial goals with FataFeat

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In today’s digital age, teaching kids about money goes beyond a money jar. At FataFeat, we understand the importance of instilling lifelong financial habits early on. One of the key features that sets us apart is our focus on helping children set and achieve financial goals.

Why set financial goals?

Setting goals is crucial for financial success at any age. It teaches children the value of saving, planning, and delayed gratification. Whether they’re saving up for a new toy, planning for a family outing, or even setting aside money for university, learning to set achievable financial goals is a skill that will benefit them for life.

How will FataFeat help?

Our app will provide a user-friendly platform where kids and teens can set specific savings goals. Whether it’s creating a visual representation of their goals, setting deadlines, or tracking their progress, our interactive tools make the process engaging and rewarding.

Our features will encourage goal-setting
  • Goal tracker: kids and teens can easily see how close they are to reaching their goals with our visual tracking system.
  • Parental monitoring: parents can oversee their child’s goals and offer guidance and encouragement along the way.
  • Positive reinforcement: users will receive encouraging messages to stay motivated and make progress towards their goals.
  • Round-up savings feature: with every future purchase, the spare change will be rounded up and the difference will be added to the savings account! You’ll be saving your pocket change automatically with our round-up savings feature.

© FataFeat 2023