Essential resources for teachers, families, & students

This year, the Ministry of Education will be incorporating financial literacy into the curriculum. We will provide a few resources to help students, families, and teachers to supplement the course.

Financial literacy is a crucial life skill that empowers individuals to make informed decisions about money, savings, and investments to name a few. As educators, parents, and students, it’s essential to seek out resources to supplement the curriculum and foster a strong foundation in managing personal finances.

For teachers:
  • One of the resources that we have mentioned previously on our blog is the program created by Visa, Practical Money Skills. They also localize the lessons by providing them in Arabic.
  • Jump$tart Coalition for Personal Financial Literacy: Jump$tart offers a comprehensive guide for teachers that provides lesson plans, games, and professional development opportunities for educators. Their materials align with national standards and cover various age groups.
For families:
  • Family Finance Workbook: This book is a great starting point for couples and families looking to manage their finances together effectively.
  • MoneySmart for Adults: This program from the US offers a comprehensive financial education curriculum, including modules on banking, credit, and savings. It’s a great tool for adults looking to enhance their financial skills.
For students:
  • Khan Academy: Khan Academy offers free, interactive lessons on personal finance and economics. Their content is suitable for students of all ages.
  • Banzai: Banzai offers a financial literacy platform with real-world simulations for students. It helps them practice managing money in a risk-free environment, preparing them for future financial challenges.
  • Next Gen Personal Finance (NGPF): NGPF provides free resources and lesson plans designed specifically for high school students. They cover a wide range of financial topics and offer engaging activities and simulations.

Financial literacy is an invaluable skill that can have a profound impact on an individual’s life. By utilizing these resources, teachers, families, and students can supplement their financial literacy curriculum and develop the knowledge to tackle the personal finance world.

Whether you’re an educator seeking classroom materials or a family looking to enhance your financial well-being, these resources can be powerful tools on your journey towards financial literacy.

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