Before you know it, the start of school will be just around the corner. Schools in Saudi Arabia start around August 20! So, whether you are shopping for school or university, we will help you to come up with a plan to budget and lessen the stress associated with back-to-school shopping.
A survey conducted in 2018 showed that over 50% of parents questioned were stressed over the expenses they’d make for their child’s school year. This is a top concern for parents and with the increase in the overall cost of just about everything, it is a huge worry. We’ll break down a few suggestions that can help you lessen the stress this year:
Tip 1: Reuse anything that you have at home
Sit down with your child to come up with a list of items that they need for the new school term. We’d encourage you to go through anything in the house that they can reuse, for example, a pencil case that is still in really good condition. There might be something in your home already that can be reused for the new term!

Tip 2: Come up with a list of items your child needs for the year
Go over the list you’ve been provided by your child’s school. Together with your child go through the list and determine what items are important to buy and which ones they can take from home. You can prioritize the items that need to be bought together.
Tip 3: Need vs. Want
This would be a great exercise to teach your child to differentiate between a need vs. a want. Peer pressure is a real influence and Zawya’s article shows that friends have the biggest influence on shopping choices. Teaching your child to focus on what they truly need may help reduce the overall influence of peer pressure.
Tip 4: Maybe go alone?
Once you’ve compiled the list that your child needs, then, if possible make the purchases by yourself. Or… buy the items all online so you avoid impulse buying (as much as possible). Your child may get sidetracked and influenced by brand names or themed supplies.
Tip 5: Go for generic brand items
Instead of going for all the branded accessories and items, pick some items like notebooks and writing pens that are from more generic brands. Be it from Jarir, a hypermarket, or from a stationary store, we’d suggest that you look for items that can be bought from generic brand corporations.
Tip 6: Prioritize getting some items from branded items
Comfortable shoes, your child’s uniform, and electronics are all items that you can definitely purchase from well-known labels. We’d suggest putting more money aside for these items.
In conclusion, with these tips, we hope you and your child are able to tackle back-to-school shopping this year stress-free! The start of the school year is an exciting time for both students and their parents, and we want to make sure that it begins smoothly for everyone.