We love sharing resources that will help you gain more insight into money management. The best way to learn of course is through doing, and what better way to learn by practicing! Here are a few more online resources you can use to learn more!
Spent shows how difficult it is to stretch $1,000 for a month in America. Created by Urban Ministries of Durham, it is a great tool to help young adults, teenagers, and students understand the difficult choices millions of people make every day.
Hands on Banking
Hands on banking is a great resource for families and teachers alike. They provide engaging videos and lessons that teach kids from a range of age groups how to handle money without it truly impacting their wallets. They get to learn how to be smart with money but using digital, fake money!
Islamic Finance Guru
Islamic Finance Guru is a great tool! They started as a blog and now have a whole community, website, YouTube channel, and podcast. They are a great source for following Shariah and provide useful tips on how to invest in a halal manner.
Investmate – Learn to trade
This app is a great way to learn about investing and key concepts surrounding trading. You answer quizzes and learn these concepts in quick lessons. We would recommend this app for older teens, young adults, and parents.
Find it here: Apple App Store, Google Play Store
BrightCHAMPS is focused on more than just financial literacy, they teach coding, languages, Generative AI, and robotics as well. They offer financial literacy courses. It is primarily geared for kids from the grades 1 to 12.
Money Masters App
This app is free for all to use. It is geared toward young teens and adults to provide them with a basic understanding of managing their money. The key focus is on making the educational part entertaining.
Hady Bady
This free game developed by the Bank of Alexandria (aka AlexBank) is meant for young kids and aims to teach them money management skills in a fun way. The three learning objectives are saving, spending, and donating.
Find it here: Apple App Store, Google Play Store