How will FataFeat empower you?

A thought bubble that has the FataFeat logo on it. This image illustrates the question of the topic of this post, how will the app empower the users?

FataFeat aims to empower young adults and families to take charge of their finances. We want to educate you to make informed decisions for your future. Everyone has different learning styles but we believe a resounding number of us learn better on the go with the help of practical and real-life experiences. As you learn about the basics of financial fundamentals, through the use of our app you will also be putting what you’ve learned to the test in real time.

We at FataFeat believe that students learn best with trial and error. And learning under the watchful eyes of your parents will help you not only make sound decisions but also have open discussions and conversations that will only further your understanding and knowledge. Your parents will be able to observe as you budget, save, and be responsible with your allowance and money. Watching as you gain self-assurance will surely further their confidence in you.

Furthermore, we want to empower each person that will use our app. The first step we believe is giving you the power and confidence to make smart decisions for yourself. The next is to educate yourself and understand the financial world. Having a better understanding of money management will only serve to lessen your stress, empower, and help you to have better control over your life.

FataFeat plans on being the app for Saudi citizens and residents that allows them to keep an eye on expenses, savings, and investments. Giving families control over how they plan their finances will only enrich their lives.

© FataFeat 2023